Wednesday, 27 April 2011

FrameExt - An alternative to unframing in Firefox

Unframing is essential for running most bookmarklets. Sometimes Zynga or Facebook decide to change something and it breaks. Recently, I've had some trouble with popup windows not appearing when unframed.

FrameExt is a Firefox extension that I've found useful. It allows you to run bookmarklets on the Mafia Wars frame, but without unframing it.

Download and install the Firefox addon from (you will need to restart Firefox to complete the installation).

Copy the link of whatever bookmarklet you want to use. For example, here is Operation-a-nator, from Spockholm Mafia Tools.

Right click somewhere in the Mafia Wars frame. Choose "This Frame", "Change Frame URL" (this is the new option provided by FrameExt).

A popup will appear, paste in the bookmarklet link.

The bookmarklet should run, just as if you were unframed.

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